You feel unsettled.

A strange feeling of dread follows you, and you can’t explain exactly what it is.

You worry constantly. Your brain will not turn off.

You’re exhausted from everything that is running around in your head.

These can be indications of anxiety.

The physical symptoms of anxiety include feeling a tightness in your chest, feeling jittery, nausea, feeling shaky, sweating, or the inability to sit still.

Anxiety can be related to specific situations, people, or it can be generalized. That means it doesn’t have an obvious source.

We live stressful and demanding lives.

The constant demands on our time and attention takes a toll. Anxiety disorders have increased, especially in young people because of the stress and demands of school, high-stakes testing, and the push to excel.

Technology allows us to be constantly connected and extends work beyond regular hours. Our minds and bodies need downtime in order to refuel. These are some of the factors that can contribute to anxiety.

Peace is possible.

The good news is you can do something about it. And, we can help you.

Your life does not have to be driven by feelings of anxiety and stress.

We can help you learn strategies to manage those symptoms and prevent them from taking control of you. Those strategies include learning to slow down your mind and move to a place of peace. Your brain is just like your muscles and has to be trained in order to stay in good shape and be healthy.

Anxiety is often rooted in our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.

We can help you learn to control the negative thinking patterns that often lead to anxiety. Developing realistic expectations of yourself and setting boundaries for others will help you find relief from those negative feelings.